One Summer Night (live)

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best-of live Album

erschienen bei MONS Records: 20. Oktober 2014

13 Titel / Gesamtspielzeit: 70:50

Digipack (3-seitig), großes Poster-Booklet

Titel: Waltz For Andrea, No One’s Fault, The Road Ahead, Wan Chuen Fong – Ilha Fomosa, Secret Holiday, A Far-Off Place, When Time Stands Still, My Best Friend, Winter Rain, Summer Rain, Go For It, You Nearness, You’re My Spring

best-of live Album

released at MONS Records: October 20th, 2014

13 Titel / total playing time: 70:50

Digipack (3 folder), big poster booklet

tracklist: Waltz For Andrea, No One’s Fault, The Road Ahead, Wan Chuen Fong – Ilha Fomosa, Secret Holiday, A Far-Off Place, When Time Stands Still, My Best Friend, Winter Rain, Summer Rain, Go For It, You Nearness, You’re My Spring

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